
Carolina Piedade


How a familiar experience with the cancer journey leads Hua to change the paradigm with Smartbridge Health.

After watching several family members endure cancer and not having the correct care and support through their journey, Hua Wang knew that something had to change. Although she had no medical background, she understood that there was a need for sufferers to have guidance directly from oncologists on how they and their families could best navigate the best treatment for them.

A father's heart scare leads to a new invention by his son and his daughter in law

Rahul Rastogi’s father had a serious heart attack a few years back, it was so impactful that he needed prolonged care, which meant repeated visits to the hospital for ECG check-ups to ensure proper recovery. Unfortunately, Rahul wasn't able to attend all of his father's appointments, due to living so far away, which meant that he wasn't able to check up on his dad and be updated about his health as frequently as he wanted to.

Dad launches an open-source platform to save his sons's life

When Sanath Kumar Ramesh son's was born, his life completely changed, on so many levels. He discovered fatherhood, an unconditional love that he never knew, but also uneasiness about the future. This worry only grew after seeing Raghav (his son) sick, not being able to eat on his own, raise his head or hold a toy. After much research, and several doctor visits, on a sunny day in August, Sanath was informed that a single mutation in his son's genetic code was causing these symptoms. The disease was Sedaghatian type Spondylometaphyseal Dysplasia (SSMD).

Clevermind, a dementia friendly interface for dementia patients created by a caring son

As Glenn Palumbo's dad was diagnosed with dementia at 82 years old, he saw an extremely healthy man, from a physical perspective, have his mind deteriorate at a rapid pace. This meant that his dad's independence decreased, and Glenn knew that simple changes in a controlled environment could allow him to regain some of his old self!

This is how Clevermind came to fruition.

How a nice's invention for his uncle is changing Parkinson's management

Jui Keskar from Pune has accompanied her uncle's battle with Parkinson’s disease throughout most of her childhood. His suffering was so great, that made him spend most of his time in hospital, not being able to control his tremors efficiently. This motivated Jui to search for an answer since she understood that if she could measure these tremors by any means, doctors could modify his medication easily and at a faster pace., which meant that he could get them under control much faster.

Joint Academy- how a dad and his son are changing the treatment for osteoarthritis

After much research, Leif began to encounter many patients that were being treated for osteoarthritis with high-risk and expensive measures and at the same time, the overall access to care was limited. When he shared his concerns with his son, Jakob Dahlberg, they began to think on how they could improve patient care and outcome, by tackling these problems.

Levity, a catheter stabilizer invented by a worried mother

Levi, who is now 4 years old, was born with Spina Bifida. This was something that his mother wasn't at all prepared for. Over these years, Levi had 15 surgeries. which meant that he would have a catheter put in place for the duration of the healing process.

One of the side effects of having a catheter for so long was bladder spasms, which occur when the bladder muscle squeezes suddenly and without warning, causing an urgent need to release urine and also extreme pain.

Speak4me- how a boy's innovation is helping his brother speak

Sean’s six-year-old brother Adam Porter was diagnosed with autism when he was just two years old, and from then on he wasn't able to fully express himself, struggling to speak and unable to ask for some of the simplest requests. This baffled his big brother, who made a point to help him as best as he could to express his needs and wants.

Turning a parent's worst nightmare into a blessing for babies with jaundice.

In 2015, Virtue Oboro experienced what every mother hopes to never go through. At just 48 hours, her newborn son, Tombra, was rushed into the hospital for emergency treatment. Tombra was diagnosed with jaundice at birth, which is a yellowish or greenish pigmentation of the skin and the whites of the eyes due to high bilirubin levels. Even though this is very common in newborns (affecting 60% worldwide), and usually resolves on their own, in Tombra's case, he required a bit more help, which meant, being placed under blue light.

The Haberman Feeder- a mum's invention

When her daughter was born with feeding difficulties, Mandy noticed a gap in the market. When looking around for any feeding bottle or teet that could accommodate her daughter's impaired sucking ability, she noticed that there wasn't any good solution for it. This is the perfect example of necessity being the mother of all inventions, and with this drive in her, Mandy invented The Haberman Feeder.

Baby safe- Safe Sleep baby car seat developed by a woried mother

Babies’ heads often slump forward when they fall asleep in a car seat, and since their neck muscles are not fully developed, this means that they cannot return to their original position. This abnormal head position can lead to seizures in babies under the age of about six months, as it can interrupt the flow of oxygen. Medical research suggests that even a 40-degree angle can cause breathing issues. However, most car seat manufacturers make car seats with at least a 45-degree angle.

Hip & co- a mum's invention for hip dysplasia

When Elle was seven months old, she was diagnosed with hip dysplasia. This was far later than usual, as she had been screened for it at birth and in subsequent follow-up consultations, which meant that the first line of treatments (less invasive) wasn’t even considered. At this point, her condition was so severe, that she needed to have hip surgery as soon as possible, which rendered her in a spica cast for three months and a brace for nine months, in 2018.

Teeny Weeny VR- a new way of terapy for autistic children.

Vijayalakshmi Subramani's six-year-old son suffers from Autism. When researching ways to calm him during his outbursts, Mrs. Subramani found that his VR headset was the most efficient thing available.

During these episodes of anxiety, she determined that there was a pattern of not knowing what was about to happen that made him spiral out. Using his Virtual Reality (VR) set to prepare him to visit new places, allowed him to have an immersive experience, which meant that he knew in-depth what was about to happen and how to navigate the situations, without any problem. , a new way of improving patient care

While in the middle of his post-doctorate degree Dr. David Golan, one of the co-founders of, was rushed to the hospital when it was feared he may have suffered a stroke. Even though this event wasn't anything very serious, Golan realized that some medical processes needed to change! Being one of them, the time that passes once a person receives a brain scan until doctors can look at it and decipher what it means, and what the diagnosis is.

Cair, emergency asthma inhalers

Aditya Karra has had asthma since childhood, and since then, he has experienced the struggles of needing his inhaler, and not having it available.
Although the frequent cough and the shortness of breath are very common symptoms, when this disease decompensates, the inhaler becomes the lifeline needed to stop it from becoming an event of respiratory failure, and not having it may impact severely the outcome of this disease.

LatchAid, a mum's invention to conquer breastfeeding

When Dr. Chen Mao Davies gave birth to her first child, she had dreams of nursing bliss, which did not materialize, and instead, she experienced intense pain and discomfort, which led her emotions and thoughts to spiral downwards into depression. Struggling to achieve a good latch (how the baby fastens onto the breast), she suffered from breast infections, baby’s weight loss, and postpartum depression.

Португальська для українців / Portuguese for Ukrainians

Щоб допомогти українцям, які прибули до Португалії і не знають мови, Radio e Televisão Portuguesa (RTP) розробило навчальну сторінку з коротким словником, у якому є найкорисніші та практичні слова для тих, хто приїжджає до країни.

Вони пояснюють, що цей ресурс призначений не лише для українських студентів, які вже навчаються, але й для португальських студентів, які хочуть спілкуватися чи вивчити деякі слова українською.

Shelter4ua - мережа де можна знайти хостів по світу

Shelter4ua – це веб-додаток, розроблений групою волонтерів, спрямований на з’єднання тимчасово переміщених громадян з України та іноземців, які можуть надати їм притулок. На жаль, вони не можуть обіцяти знайти притулок для всіх, кому він може знадобитися, але роблять все можливе, щоб поселити якомога більше українців.

Тут ви можете знайти:

Для мігрантів:
Шукати притулок, Попросити волонтерів знайти житло, Корисні ресурси та інші контакти

Для господарів:
Ви можете надати притулок або знайти інші способи допомоги.

Аварійний ліхтарик / Emergency Flashlight

- 1 акумулятор мобільного телефону;
- труба ПВХ 40 мм або більше з довжиною не менше 10 см;
- світлодіоди або якась лампа близько 3,4 В;
- 1 потенціометр (опціонально);
- 1 перемикач;
- дроти;
- 1 вихідний/вхідний порт (USB або щось подібне)
- будь-який вид клею;
- паяльник (необов'язково);

Кошки на взуття від слизької дороги / Emergency Crampons for Ice and Snow

Ця річ забезпечує чудове зчеплення навіть при ходьбі по льоду. Вона може легко врятувати вас від падіння.

paracord 550 (полімерний шнур) або еквівалент
№3 ланцюг
розрізні кільця (необов'язково)
плоскогубці (необов'язково)
карабіни (необов'язково)
ножиці або ніж для розрізання паракорду
(краще розплавити кінці паракорду, щоб вони не зношувалися)

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