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An online platform to share information with healthcare professional about what matters to you, to enable person-centred, holistic care

Shared by Mycarematters on 2016-12-23 16:06

About the solution

Mycarematters is an online platform where people can store information they want healthcare professionals to know about them, helping staff to provide dignified and person-centred care. This is particularly important when, as a result of a long term condition like dementia or a temporary delirium, the person is unable to communicate their needs and preferences for themselves. The individual or their advocate is guided through a set of questions and is given the opportunity to upload photos and provide emergency contacts details. They are issued with a unique code (currently .printed on a key fob and stickers) which hospital staff can use in a quick and easy process to access the person's information via any internet-linked device. Digital solutions for healthcare are being developed by the score but they all focus on a person’s medical condition. Mycarematters prioritises the ‘whole person’: their needs and preferences, the things that matter to them. Information stored will include issues such as dietary preferences, state of eyesight and hearing, level of mobility, preferred music and hobbies etc so as to avoid traumatic mistakes as well as encourage the development of empathy in staff members for their patients. Where empathy exists the quality of care increases and this translates into improved outcomes like shorter stays, reduced falls and an improved state of overall health and wellbeing.
Anyone with a person's name, date of birth and Mycarematters Code can access the person's Mycarematters Record and either view it online or download and print it out an A4 single sheet of paper. This can be displayed on a Mycarematters Board on the wall behind the bed or in a locker-top display. The important thing to ensure is that it is available to everyone interacting with the person, whether doctor, nurse, healthcare assistant, volunteer, porter, kitchen or housekeeping staff, who all have the potential to improve a person's hospital experience when they know something about them.

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

Zoe Harris cared for her husband for 5 years at home before he had to move to a care home for what turned out to be the final 13 months of his life. Geoff had dementia and experienced on numerous occasions the trauma and upset caused by health and care professionals being unaware of his likes and dislikes, of the things that mattered to him. The first communication tool Zoe created to help with Geoff's care was a laminated wall chart which has developed into the Remember-I'm-Me range of Care Charts. She has developed Mycarematters to use the power of the internet to store / share information.

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