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Logótipo de Patient Innovation Awards

“Patient Innovation (PI) launched the PI Awards with the objective of honoring all patients, caregivers and collaborators who have developed innovative solutions to cope with the challenges of their health condition, to help others they care about, or in some cases, people they don't even know.
Thank you for that. Warm congratulations to all those who participated.”

The four winners of the 6th PI Awards

The four winners of the 5th PI Awards Watch the video!

The four winners of the 4th PI Awards


The four winners of the 3rd PI Awards Watch the video!


The seven winners of the 2nd PI Awards Watch the video!


The six winners of the 1st PI Awards Watch the video!


Do you want to apply for the 7th Patient Innovation Awards?

Post a Solution

The Challenge

Once you post and share a solution on Patient Innovation, you are eligible for that year's Patient Innovation Awards.

  • Patient


    You are a patient and you have developed a solution to improve your health condition

  • Caregiver


    You helped a loved one to improve his/her own health condition

  • Collaborator


    You helped improving the condition of a person/group that was outside your circle of family and friends

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