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About the solution
“I've had some very positive feedback from users and speech therapists alike. The main objective is to provide an affordable but professional solution to everyone. I have no intention of stopping development. I will continue to improve and implement features. This project is so close to my heart because I actually use the application every day”, Owen explained.
SayIt! Consist of an augumentative and alternative communication app that uses a functioning word prediction system that works by allowing the patient to type what they want to say at a fast rate.
The developers spent four years working on the app, which was released in 2017.
The app is free and is available for iOS and Android.
Adapted from: https://bit.ly/2GTGgID
More info: http://enaboapps.com/sayit/
This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.
DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com
Dad uses virtual reality to help his daughter who suffers from Williams Syndrome
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
Social interaction
foetal alcoholic syndrome
DiGeorge Syndrome
Angelman Syndrome
Neuromuscular Disorders
Assistive Technology access
App (Including when connected with wearable)
Difficulty coordinating movements
Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
Trouble with fine motor skills (e.g., writing, buttoning clothes)
Cognitive impairment
Memory loss
Sensitivity to light or sound
Depression or anxiety
Managing Neurological Disorders
Improving Speech and Communication
Caregiving Support
Medical Genetics
United Kingdom
Proloquo2Go – App to help people communicate
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
Social interaction
Cerebral Palsy
Brain Stroke
Brain Injury (Abscess, Brain Barrier Defect, Brain Contusion, Brain Hemorrhage, Brain Edema)
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Assistive Technology access
App (Including when connected with wearable)
Muscle cramps or spasms
Difficulty coordinating movements
Muscle weakness
Difficulty speaking or understanding speech
Trouble with fine motor skills (e.g., writing, buttoning clothes)
Twitching or involuntary movements (myoclonus)
Acquired language impairment (Aphasia)
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Building Supportive Community Relationships
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
Improving Speech and Communication
Caregiving Support
Clinical Pathology
Medical Genetics
Father Dan Harris created communication board for his autistic son.
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
Social interaction
Educational/Leisure device (book, toy, game...)
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Building Supportive Community Relationships
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
Improving Speech and Communication
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
United Kingdom