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About the solution
Hello everyone,
My name is Sónia, I’m 31, diagnosed two years ago but probably suffering from this disease since my late teens, early twenties.
What is so frustrating and puzzling about multiple sclerosis is that symptoms can be so varied, and what seems to work for someone doesn’t necessarily work for someone else.
I will probably be contributing more and more with time, as I’ve been reading and investigating and trying so many things since my diagnosis. But, for now, my two cents will be about something really simple that seems to be working for me.
Whenever I experience symptoms that scare me (i. e. blurred vision, lack of strength on the left side of my body), I don’t allow myself to panic and I simply tell myself that I’m just really really tired and need to rest more. I cancel appointments that will do me no good and try to relax and watch something that will make me laugh before I go to bed earlier that usual. The next morning, even if my vision or strength are not 100%, they certainly are much much better and they go back to normal in less than 24 hours.
Learning to listen myself, my body and knowing my limits is a journey. Doesn’t happen overnight but it’s certainly worth it.
This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.