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Disabled woman creates company to connect employers to disabled candidates

Shared by Ana Duarte on 2019-10-07 10:10

About the solution

Jane founded her award-winning company in 2011.

“Evenbreak is a specialist online job board, run by and for disabled people which enables inclusive employers and talented disabled candidates to find each other. I had heard employers expressing frustration about finding it difficult to attract disabled candidates, as well as disabled job seekers not knowing which employers would take them seriously without discriminating against them. It seemed that much talent was going to waste. I had seen for myself issues around disability and employment – first as a diversity consultant talking to employers about inclusion, secondly as an employer having personally gained the business benefits of employing disabled people, and thirdly as a disabled person myself. My main frustration was seeing talented disabled people unable to thrive in employment because most employers couldn’t see past their impairments”, she explained.

Because of her condition, Jane mostly works lying down with a laptop suspended above her.

That didn’t stop her from also writing two books “Disabled? Looking for Work?” and “A Dozen Brilliant Reasons to Employ Disabled People”.

Adapted from: https://bit.ly/3597M1v

More info: https://www.evenbreak.co.uk/

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About the author

Jane Hatton, from the UK, has a degenerative spinal condition. She is the founder of Evenbreak, a social company that aims to help employers attract and retain talented disabled people through a specialist online job board and a best practice portal.

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