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Uhura Bionics - smart elegant devices providing freedom of communication

Shared by Konrad Zieliński on 2022-10-11 11:07

About the solution

My name is Konrad and 4 years ago I lost my natural voice. Unable to find the convenient solutions, my team designed the relevant technology and we are ready to disrupt the market, supported with influential partnersin the field of medicine, technology and science. The biggest competitors in our opinion lack the major innovation. Their devices are expensive, outdated, inconvenient, and unsightly. In consequence, patients are reluctant to use them and are ashamed of interacting with others. Our aesthetic artificial larynx and AI-capable voice amplifier are able to restore the quality and freedom of conversation, turning the robotic sound of the current artificial larynxes into a natural-sounding voice.

The current technology consists of elegant voice amplifier, microphone and speaker set, which could be extended in the future by AI voice conversion and/or more natural sounding voice source e.g. in a form of wearable electrolarynx. As a supporting projects, we develop breathing support, and guide people with extended knowledge sources.

Jobs done so far, we:
- took part in the hackathons allowing us to design a preliminary business models
- build some media recognition of the company leader (Konrad) and CTO (Marek)
- organized a series of meetings/internal workshops toward defining business objectives
- made user studies testifying the needs
- manufactured the first prototypes in-house, with unique sound characteristics. New design is easily replicable with
the help of 3D printing and off-the shelf parts. First three devices handed out to users for testing purposes.
- discussed with bigger companies which expressed interest in acquiring our intellectual property / or our R&D time
There is an initial founders agreement between us and a plan to set up a company in the following months.

We participate in Patient Innovation to
- develop and validate the sound business model
- strengthen the collaboration between our team directed towards company development
- possibly: finding a last co-founder (business person)
- possibly: finding an investor with smart money
- after graduation: be in EIT Health portfolio for both networking and marketing reasons
- be independent company, and a valid competitor to corporations.

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

Konrad Zieliński, CEO of Uhura Bionics, PhD Student at University of Warsaw

- BA Degree in Cognitive Science, University of Warsaw (2014-2017)
- MA Degree in Cognitive Science, University of Warsaw (2017-2021)
- PhD Candidate, Interdisciplinary Doctoral School in discipline Psychology, Philosophy and Computer
Science (2021-2025)
- Co-Founder of Przypis Powszechny (“common reference”) – a Chrome plugin designed to counter disinformation
and promoting adding source to the information (2017)
- 25 under 25 in the category science, Forbes
- President of the MedTech students association

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