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Blind woman creates an online community for personal tips sharing by and for blind travelers

Shared by Maria João Jacinto on 2022-11-08 18:20

About the solution

The Blind Travelers’ Network (BTN) contains blogs written by several blind and low vision travelers who have a wealth of knowledge, experience, and advice to share. This section also features an advice column from a blind orientation and mobility instructor. The users are welcome to comment, ask questions, and engage in discussion with the bloggers and other readers.
In the Reviews section, users can read reviews of resorts, cruise ships, museums, theme parks, restaurants, and other places by other blind and low vision travelers. Unlike reviews you will find in other resources, reviews here are all written from a non-visual or a low vision perspective. Users can also leave their own reviews of places they have visited in order to help other blind people who may be interested in traveling there in the future.
In the Discussion Boards section, users can ask questions of other blind and low vision travelers and get the answers you need to make the best travel decisions. This is the place to ask questions and get the information needed. This is also the place to share advices and discuss the tools, techniques, and traveling hacks that have worked for each user.
In the Events section, users can plan meetups with other blind and low vision people in their area, e.g. get a group together to attend a festival, explore a museum, or check out a concert.

The Blind Travelers’ Network is not intended to replace other favorite travel websites, such as TripAdvisor, Yelp, Oyster, and Cruise Critic. When planning a vacation or excursion, BTN encourage the users to use other mainstream resources to learn as much as possible about your destination and options. For example, users may wish to start their search on BTN, get some ideas of what museums are most blind friendly, and then learn more general information about these museums on sites like Yelp and TripAdvisor.

“The goal is that blind people will come to the site and share information about places they’ve been, and ask questions about places they want to go. It’s that simple. It’s not so much about being positive or negative, it’s about being accurate.”, says Stacy Cervenka, the founder.

In 2018 Stacy won the Holman Prize, a prize by LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired which funds the ambitions of three blind individuals.

Adapted from: https://blindtravelersnetwork.org/, https://lighthouse-sf.org/2018/07/10/meet-stacy-cervenka-creating-an-onl...

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DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com

About the author

Stacy Cervenka lives with her family in Lincoln, Nebraska.
As a blind person since young age, once she started imagining all the ways a trip could go wrong, she entered a downward spiral. But on the flip side, she would also like to find where does a blind person go to have the time of their life. This is why Stacy hatched a new idea to meet a need that, oddly, hasn’t been met yet: the Blind Travelers Network. Think Yelp, Trip Advisor, or Cruise Critic – but designed for the betterment of a population who wants one thing, more than anything else: information.

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