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About the solution
Hug-a-Bump® SPD Maternity Support Band was created to address a desperate need in the market for a wearable and effective pain relief for pregnancy back pain and symptoms of Symphysis Pelvic Dysfunction (SPD) in Pregnancy.
Symphysis Pelvic Dysfunction is a debilitating condition which causes excessive movement of the pubic symphysis, either lateral or anterior . Causing pain, possibly mainly due to misalignment of the pelvis. A common part of pregnancy and childbirth it is believed to affect most pregnant women in varying degrees. Sadly around 7% of sufferers will continue to experience their symptoms postpartum.(after baby arrives)
Pelvic pain is usually the main symptom .Generally focussed on the joint at the front of the pelvis (the pubic symphysis). Some sufferers say they can actually hear the hip joints and lower back ( the sacroiliac), popping and clicking in and out during activities such as walking or changing position. Pain in the lower back, hips, groin, lower abdomen, and legs is likely. Pain can range from mild slight discomfort to agonizing and extreme with prolonged suffering beyond the birth. The condition usually disappears Postpartum but not always. Reports of links between SPD and depression are common due to the continued physical discomfort by the sufferer. Pregnant women with SPD will likely walk with a characteristic waddle and struggle when climbing stairs. Also issues occur with leg adduction and abduction and pain when carrying out weight bearing activities. Difficulties carrying out everyday activities, and difficulties standing are also commonplace.
If Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction is ignored and goes untreated without due care taken, then the condition can lead to permanent or longterm physical damage and disabilities
SPD is also known as pelvic girdle pain or PGP
The condition now effects up to 1 -3 pregnancies and in fact almost every pregnant woman can benefit from it as backache is so common place during pregnancy. The band gives supports in 3 critical areas, the bump, hip and lumbar region.
I commissioned my design to be manufactured and after a 6 month wait it was launched following successful trials with SPD volunteer sufferers I found on the mummy forums and was lucky enough to grab some fab PR in the Daily mail in April 2009 and the band flew.
I created the Hug-a Bump SPD Belly Support Band to address a growing need for effective adequate support for pregnancy back pain,which I suffered from myself. During my own pregnancy I suffered severe Lumbago, Sciatica and Hip pain. Although not diagnosed I had friends who were. One in particular was givne an NHS brace at the end of her pregnancy (a month prior to the birth of my own child) I noted that she couldnt drive in it, sit down without it rising and also had to construct it in initially from several pieces. I decided this woould never work in a patient in extreme pain with a busy life, ie who already had children needing attention etc. So I sought advice from Midwives, Physiotherapists and contacted a factory for samples. Upon receipt I chopped a few up and stitched others together, returned my cobbled Belt back and the rest is history.Initially I had this created in one size but soon learned following trials prior to launch and feedback from the pregnancy forums that sizing needed to be adapted. I personally fit the band for petites and plus sizes and now have it created in 3 sizes sizes S/m, M/L (soon to discontinue) and L/XL to cover from size 8 through to size 22. In essence the belt is useful in all aspects of support where the abdomen is distended. Feedback from a lady with a large prolapsed hernia was so positive her husband contacted me directly to purchase a second Belt. The support is so effective for both lower back, hips and abdomen that the posture is immediately corrected. In doing so the pressure on the hips and lower back is hugely reduced. Hundreds of women across the globe have been helped and continue to benefit form my amazing pregnancy innovation. As a specialist in Pregnancy, Postpartum and Caesarean Recovery, the Hug-a-Bump SPD Maternity Support Belly Belt is the first step to ensuring a comfortable pain relieved 9 months.
More info in http://www.lafeenoire.com/
Useful additional information can be found here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symphysis_pubis_dysfunction
This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.
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Patricia Pereira • Tue, 10/28/2014 - 15:50
Dear Rachel,
Thanks for your post in Patient Innovation platform! We would like to ask you if you could edit the post telling to others users why did you created the hug-a-bump. What was your problem, or why did you create it. If you don’t want to do it, we would like to ask you if we can edit it for you. In our platform we want to let the others users know the story of patient innovators to encourage people to do the same.
Best regards,
Patient Innovation Team