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Father creates a book series to increase awareness and to make sure differently-abled kids are approachable by other kids

Shared by Patricia Pereira on 2015-06-15 17:21

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O’Brien, a chemistry professor who lives in USA, came up with the book idea in 2006. He later came up with the idea to develop a mystery series, drawing inspiration from his and his family’s lives. “CJ and the Angel Kids” is a collection centering on five kids who each live with a disability. The main character, CJ, has cerebral palsy, like Connor.

There are other characters: Dee Dee has Down syndrome, Andy has autism, Stu has dyslexia and Rosie has a stutter. Each book finds the kids at a different summer camp. The camps bring together all kinds of kids. Some have disabilities and some don’t. The kids who have disabilities have a mystery to solve in each book, and they work with the typically-developing kids to solve it.

The first installment, “The Case of the Missing Cookies,” was published February 2014 and is all about how differently-abled children interact with other kids. “The Tale of the Talker,” which deals with bullying and jealousy, was released in November 2014. A third book, “Mystery of the Medals,” centers on body shaming and was published this spring. There are three additional books in the works for later this year and next.

Adapted from: http://bit.ly/2rIFNlm

More info: http://goo.gl/dWlLbv

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About the author

Richard O’Brien, from USA, always worried about the fact that his son’s appearance could deter other children from wanting to get to know him. Connor, born in 2004, has cerebral palsy; he uses a wheelchair and speaks through a communication device. So to help teach his son’s peers about disability, O’Brien created “CJ and the Angel Kids,” a children’s book series where kids with and without disabilities play together uninhibitedly.

Comments (1)

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