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Mother designs protective dividers to keep children safe in their classrooms

Shared by Ana Ribeiro on 2020-06-04 18:39

About the solution

Louise Stephenson was worried about the prospect of her son going back to school, as school re-open after the easing of lockdown measures put in place due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Her main concern was how Harry, a 11-year-old, would be able to stay safe and follow the social distancing rules required to prevent infection. “There are parents around the country who will have the same concerns about the fact their children may be returning to school in the near future”, said Louise.

Louise is also the managing director of the “Where The Trade Buys” print company, so she took her expertise and designed a low-cost protective divider for school desks. They are made of a type of durable board that can be easily disinfected and have a transparent window that allows the students to have a wide view of the classroom.

The dividers are available in an assortment of different designed and colors and can even be customized with specific information and logos for each school. They are currently being sold at the company’s website and they have already received a number of orders from local schools.

Adapted from: https://www.sunderlandecho.com/business/how-classrooms-could-look-after-...

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About the author

Louise, from the UK, is the mother of 11-year old Harry and managing director of a printing company. Concerned about her son going back to school during the Covid-19 pandemic, she developed individual protective dividers for children to stay protected in the classrooms.

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