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Off-road wheelchair attachment, all-terrain wheelchair, pushing wheelchair across rough ground

Shared by PatD on 2014-10-23 01:50

About the solution

Seven years ago I was racing MX, I fell in front of everyone and was hit in the head. I am a C6/7 incomplete quad. Before my accident I always lived an active lifestyle and I was determined to continue to live life to the fullest and not be left behind. About four years ago I was so frustrated trying to push around my backyard to play with my children. My 40+ year old shoulders were popping and I couldn’t get through the grass. The purpose-built off-road chairs were too expense, required more room in the garage and van and more transfers. As an engineer I knew the answer was to get the small casters out of the grass and a larger wheel out front. I started chipping away at the problems of designing the FreeWheel. It was a challenge, but it sure wasn’t as challenging as being a quad. And I always said I wanted to be an inventor when I grew up! With the help of one of my machinist friends I cut apart my bicycle rack and welded up a crude frame. I attached a fitting on my footrest, similar to a trailer hitch set-up. It was pretty heavy, and I needed someone’s help to install it, but the feeling of gliding around over rough terrain was unmistakably what I was looking for. As the design progressed and word got out I have had people from all over the world asking for the FreeWheel and testing it in all environments. Changes to the design were constant and what we have now is a time-tested final product. Life is for living and everyday I am now out, actively participating, and I know the FreeWheel has a very positive impact on my health. My children know I’ll be out at the soccer games cheering them on, camping and going on hikes in the wood as a family. It has been a wonderful experience meeting others in like situations and seeing how their lives have changed with the FreeWheel. They talk about their independence, going places they never thought they’d be able to go, That’s what I’m talking about! ~ Patrick S. Dougherty, Owner/Inventor www.gofreewheel.com</p>

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

Seven years ago I was racing MX, I fell in front of everyone and was hit in the head. I am a C6/7 incomplete quad.

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