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App to teach communication

Shared by Jorge Cohen on 2014-04-02 19:35

About the solution

TapSpeak Choice is a flexible, usable, and accessible Augmentative and Assistive Communication app. TapSpeak Choice’s app was designed for children and adults with communication difficulties arising from autism spectrum disorders, cerebral palsy, apraxia of speech, aphasia, stroke, Angleman’s syndrom, Rett’s syndrome. It’s designed for quick and easy editing, uses Pixon® symbols, a proven symbol set for core vocabulary usage.

After searching the market, and realized there were no solutions for his son, Ted Conley formed TapSpeak in 2009.

Ted’s background includes 25 years in corporate IT developing enterprise web applications and managing application projects and teams. By helping his son, he also hopes to help others struggling with the same and/or similar conditions.

Adapted from: http://tapspeak.com/drupal/

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

Pierce, born in 2007, in USA, has cerebral palsy and cortical vision impairment. His father, Ted Conley, was getting frustrated with being unable to find an appropriate devices to help his son, Pierce, to learn to communicate. So, TapSpeak was born.

Comments (6)

  • Jacobarch02 Fri, 01/18/2019 - 06:30

    I think no application can enhance familiarity with english .right off the bat we need to clear our essential idea about the dialect than we can experience it. https://www.assignmentsquare.co.uk/

  • Sherin Samm Mon, 03/11/2019 - 10:29

    I wish you for the huge part of work in amassing this report. Communication is vital in education sector. The apps make teacher communication easy which is vital in checking the student’s manner towards areas of study. TapSpeak App is to help disabled children learn to communicate. Using these apps students of all skills can practice translate what’s in their mind into written or spoken words. This is a superb app that allows students ask for help in the community, to participate in story reading. Students have used it to activate the verses to songs and stories, used it to tell stories and to raise their ability to communicate and relate with others. This app is more friendly to students and also teachers. This TapSpeak app is lithe and useful for those that need help with their communication. This app ranges from simple choice selection to full speech generation. The app makes it easy to create communication boards and pages quickly with fit language libraries.

    Though, the vital version of this does not allow buttons to change as much and include more symbols on buttons in its place of plain text. This allows for you to modify the device to the person child with the push of a button. When we open the app, we have the option to choose from many not similar pre-programmed boards that are in particular designed for no similar peoples. Once you choose a board, the boards themselves are also easy to modify and you can without trouble hide as many buttons as you need to. I tried this app to teach my student. I am getting better result through this. Thank you for this great service. I will try to advise this app to my colleagues. This is really a great app. I am really thankful for this kind info.

  • Ana DuarteSherin Samm Mon, 04/01/2019 - 19:28

    Hi Sherin,

    Thank you for your comment. You can find here, on patient-innovation.com, several amazing apps to help communicate with others. We have tons of them :) just search and you'll see ;)

  • walsmtih Sat, 05/11/2019 - 10:29

    I am a sophomore in college, and am thinking about majoring in Communications Studies. As this is what many hooked up technical writers https://www.Fullassignmenthelp.co.uk have as their heritage, I suppose this is a good choice to aid a possible selection for technical writing to be my profession.

  • kuper Fri, 01/14/2022 - 09:22


  • abombom Mon, 03/06/2023 - 08:14

    good tool

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