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Mother uses tights to protect her child's legs

Shared by Rita Oliveira on 2014-03-20 17:01

About the solution

The tights can be found in any commercial area as well as in lingerie shops. Should be a thin and cool fabric that acts as a second skin. The most suitable are polyamide and elastane with 40 DEN (low compression). Similar to ballet tights are a good option because they are thin and soft to prevent overheating (sold haberdashery). Supermarket brands are often very thick and wide feet, taking the excess fabric to wrinkle and potentially cause injury.
The idea is to use tights like a second skin, protecting the sensitive and damaged skin, preventing new lesions / blisters and are a great way to hold the dressings, especially in children. Are a great option to protect your legs on trips to the beach or the pool (see photos).

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

This solution was developed by a mother of a child with Epidermolysis bullosa. The suggestion is to use face tights inside out, thus avoiding the seams wherever possible (preferably all the time and in any situation).

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