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Zed - a new baby sleep aider created by weary dads

Shared by MJJacinto on 2022-12-16 17:15

About the solution

When Nick's daughter was 3 months old, she would always wake up as soon as her pushchair stopped moving. Nick noticed this problem affected many other weary parents, then on night - at 2 am - he came up with a solution. He made a prototype that reproduced the soothing side-to-side motion of a stroller being pushed along on a pavement. The next day he tried it on his daughter's buggy, and it worrked - it kept her asleep whenever they stopped. The two Matts helped him develop the product and founded Rockit, which has gone on to keep over 300'000 babies moving and snoozing all over the world.

Zed is and award-winning vibration sleep soother and night light. Zed produces car-like vibrations and it works in a very simple way: Simply place him by the baby’s feet and the soothing vibrations will ripple through the mattress, comforting them and encouraging a deep sleep.

To mimic the feeling of being in a car, Zed uses special motors that generate both the low frequency rumbles of the car suspension and the revving of the engine. The vibrations create soothing sounds, making it a true car-like experience.
Zed has 3 static vibration speeds plus 3 additional modes which give varying speeds to simulate a car accelerating and decelerating. The different modes allow to find the best sleep-inducing rhythm for the baby.
Babies tend to sleep in 45-minute cycles, so Zed was designed to fade out gently after 1 hour, by which time the baby should be into a second sleep cycle and a deeper sleep.
A calming red night light was added as the red glow is known to help relax babies and promote melatonin production – encouraging an ever deeper sleep.
Zed is also suitable from birth. It works on any mattress - so it can be used with the Moses basket, cot, pram, bed or even feeding cushion. It is portable, thus it can be taken anywhere; useful for holidays or overnight stays at the grandparents' house.
The product is safety tested to EU/USA and international standards by Intertek

Adapted from: https://rockitrocker.com/

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com

About the author

Rockit was created by Nick, Matt and Matt - 3 regular dads, with seven children between them. When Nick's daughter was 3 months old, she would always wake up as soon as her pushchair stopped moving. Nick noticed this problem affected many other weary parents. The two Matts helped him develop the product.

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