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Patient develops Bio2Skin - Revolutionary medical adhesives for better patient care

Shared by Maria João Jacinto on 2022-10-26 11:52

About the solution

Frequent and continuous usage of medical devices (MD) attached to the skin often causes severe skin injuries to the patient known as MARSI (Medical Adhesive-Related Skin Injuries) due to the aggressive peeling of the current medical adhesives that are vicious, chemical and glue-based materials. MARSI occur when the attachment of an adhesive to the skin is stronger than the attachment between skin cells. Any patient who uses a medical dressing/device can potentially experience MARSI, however certain groups are more vulnerable, for example, infants, elderly patients, oncology, orthopedic surgery, and ostomate patients. Namely, 1 in 5 of hospitalized infants and children, 1 in 5 long-term care patients, 2 in 5 hip surgery patients, and 4 in 5 ostomate patients suffer because of MARSI.

To solve this, Sónia founded BestHealth4U in 2017and created Bio2Skin: a novel glue-less adhesive solution for medical applications.
Bio2Skin was developed to positively impact the health and daily routine of patients that have medical devices attached to their skin as part of treatment. It avoids skin injury in prolonged use or upon removal. Bio2Skin has a combination of highly biocompatible polymers that respect the skin, avoiding irritation and allergic reactions even under continuous use. Bio2Skin is a bio-based medical adhesive that disrupts the current concept of adhesives as it is glue-less and doesn't "stick" to the skin.
Bio2Skin uses the natural features of the skin to establish adhesion through water molecules, thus providing a strong, safe, and gentle adhesive solution for a wide range of MD, including, tapes and wound dressings, attachment of critical tubes, access devices, and ostomy products, electronic wearables, transdermal delivery skin-patches, etc.

Due to the multi-dynamic and multi-applicability of Bio2Skin's material, BestHealth4U has been exploring it in several new products and applications, namely in the digital medical monitoring and applications of transdermal drug delivery through the skin.

Bio2Skin is fully developed having achieved proof-of-concept in 2018, and in early 2019, Bio2Skin achieved TRL6 with remarkable mechanical tests and promising pre-clinical studies. Currently, Bio2Skin is under biocompatibility certification, ISO 10993, being necessary for its commercialization. In 2019, BH4U started commercialization relationships with several MedTech companies, where they are testing Bio2Skin and applying it to their own medical products. So far, BestHealth4U has raised €600k in grants, prizes, and awards that have provided the current technological advances.

Adapted from: https://besthealth4u.pt/home/, https://www.xeurope.eu/post/besthealth4u-x-europe-startup-interview

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com

About the author

The founder, Sónia Ferreira, has managed a stoma since childhood. She could never find a pouch adhesive that was comfortable, flexible and didn’t damage her skin.
After hearing similar stories across wound care, medical wearables, and protective equipment, Sónia assembled an expert team to research and develop a new adhesive solution.

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