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UnbuckleMe, a mom and daughter invention to unbuckle every baby with ease.

Shared by Carolina Piedade on 2021-11-13 11:48

About the solution

When Barbara, a retired licensed occupational therapist, began to help her daughter Becca with childcare, she quickly realized that because of the arthritis in her thumb, she was unable to push the car seat button in order to release her granddaughter from her car seat. And as a result, she avoided taking her granddaughter out of the house.
When Becca became aware of this, she took matters in to her own hands and started shopping for alternate car seats. Unfortunately, she soon realized that car seat buckles are federally regulated to require 9 lbs of pressure to release, so that kids cannot unbuckle themselves.

This was the starting point for their invention, as Barbara wanted to feel more confident and comfortable taking her granddaughter out in the car, she and Becca started to think how they could tackle this problem. By Relying on her background as a therapist, Barbara used a thermoplastic, splint-making material to create a tool to solve her own problem, thus creating the first prototype of UnbuckleMe. Her tool worked great, and she happily began using it with her granddaughter.

When Becca saw how well her mother's invention worked, she began to think that it could provide assistance to every parent and grandparent all over the world , as she knew her mom could not be the only one who struggled with car seat buckles, especially when arthritis is so common among grandparents. After extensive market research, Becca and Barbara launched their business with the help of a kick-starter funding.

Currently, UnbuckleMe is sold in thousands of retail stores all across the USA, and helps millions of people across all states!

Adapted from https://unbuckleme.com/pages/story
Learn more about this story here https://unbuckleme.com/?key=85e4830bda940092c838a386469a44c0e374c9bab84d...
Check out their socials https://www.facebook.com/UnbuckleMe/ and https://www.instagram.com/unbuckle_me/

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

Becca who is a certified as a Child Passenger Safety Technician (CPST) and Barbara who is a retired licensed occupational therapist developed UnbuckleMe to allow every grandparent around the world to enjoy taking their grandbabies everywhere they go, even if a car seat is involved!

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