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Writer shares lockdown stories and raises money for charities

Shared by sara.di.fabio@p... on 2020-04-28 11:41

About the solution

Meg Zukin, in a tweet, asked the internet for relationship drama during the COVID-19 pandemic to document under the lockdown.

People can submit stories anonymously and readers were initially asked to donate $1 to see the posts that were collated on a Google document.

In less than two days, she raised $5,000 and then turned the google doc into a free and public website that is still taking donations. Posts can also be seen on Instagram.

The raised money was donated to various foundations, charities, and people affected by coronavirus.

Adapted from: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/04/06/the-social-distance-project-is-documenti...
More information: https://www.thesocialdistanceproject.org/faqs-2

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About the author

Meg Zukin from the USA is a senior social media editor and a writer. She started the Social Distance Project by collecting gossip and drama happening during the COVID-19 pandemic and making them available to the public for a small donation. The raised money was donated to foundations, charities and people affected by the coronavirus.

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