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Multi patient-one ventilator setup

Shared by FSMeireles on 2020-04-09 14:06

About the solution

As the number of COVID-19 cases has increased, the number of patients in hospitals, and, therefore, the number of medical devices needed, has also escalated. This means that lifesaving devices, such as ventilators, are not abundant enough in certain regions of the world where patients suffering from COVID-19 need them.

While a splitter would enable the use of a single ventilator for multiple patients, such a solution would not be able to take into account the differences in lung capacity and lung compliance between patients. With Dirk and Philippe’s valve design, doctors are able to adjust pressure and flow to each patient while using a single ventilator for up to four patients.

According to Dr. Luc Janssen and Dr. Matthias Mergeay, clinical advisers for the project, the devices perform well in a durability testing environment. They can be finely adjusted, resulting adequate ventilating pressures for the individual test lungs. These parts could be deployed rapidly through industrial 3D printing, and might help clinicians optimize their ventilator use.

When medical innovations similar to these ventilator solutions get approval for patient use, hospitals can introduce parts composed of medical-grade 3D-printed components to provide fast, high-quality care to patients not only during this pandemic but for years to come.

no2covid-ONE to split https://no2covid.com/pages/no2covid-one
no2covid-TWO was designed to provide a measuring port https://no2covid.com/pages/no2covid-two



This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

“Desperate times, but not-so-desperate measures” is how Matthias Mergeay and Luc Janssen, doctors at Geel Hospital, describe it. This ventilator valve, 3D printed at Materialise, is a clever design by Dirk Wenmakers and Philippe Caers that responds to the urgent need for additional ventilator capacity.

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