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Cerebra design team enable young boy to play fetch with his dog

Shared by Ross Head on 2019-11-05 15:41

About the solution

Because of his condition, Harry has limited mobility and has to rely on a wheelchair do move around. He got an assistance dog, Addi, in 2017. Addi helps Harry by doing things like opening doors, opening drawers, turning light switches on and helping to remove socks and coats. “Most importantly he’s a constant friend and he encourages him to go outside, which, prior to having Addi, he never liked doing”, Harry’s mother, Hilary, noted.

Harry likes to play with his dog. He wanted to play fetch but, because of his condition, he doesn’t have the strength and coordination to throw the ball.

Then Hilary came across Cerebra and their Innovation Centre. The Cerebra Innovation Centre is where a team of designers works to build innovative devices to allow disable kids to have a better and happier life, promoting social inclusion.

Hilary presented her son’s case and then took a tennis shooter as their starting point and adapted it using 3D printed parts.

The final result was a bracket that supports the launcher and sits nicely on Harry’s wheelchair frame – not only that but the launcher’s firing mechanism had to be modified so that all the boy had to do was lightly press it to release the ball. The wheelchair had joystick controls, so the team also added joystick enable Harry to point and aim the shooter.

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

A team of Product Designers from the Cerebra Innovation Centre (a partnership between the University of Wales Trinity Saint David and the charity, Cerebra). Our job is to design and build bespoke products for children when they cannot find a solution to thier needs. Other previous projects include Triathlon equipment to enable children to particiapte in races with their parents and seated surfboards for safe surfing.

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