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Cerebral palsy patient publishes comic book

Shared by Fábio Arteviva on 2015-11-29 19:23

About the solution

My name is Fabio Fernandes , I'm 41, and I suffer from cerebral palsy .
I am a writer who wrote a play called " The boy spoke with his feet" . This piece brings up the issue of partner school inclusion of students with special needs, the text proposes a change in perception, the school community, regarding this student , which in general , is still stigmatized by a sociological and educational structur , that still holds exclusive in relation to that individual.
More recently, also wrote a comic book called "Bim , A Different Boy" .
I like to work and write about the issues of people with disabilities because I think there are few contents for this segment of the population.

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About the author

 The show comes 18 years carrying the message of school inclusion of students with special needs. The plot tells the story of Leo, young man with cerebral palsy, faces obstacles from your first day of class in a normal school. Guido inspector by two students, Ana and Clara, is taken to enter in one of the school rooms and is faced with Leo in his wheel chair. Not to mention, until Anna and Clara try to interact with it and find that it communicates through the feet, tracing the letters on the floor with the right foot. this is the starting point of our history.

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