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Apron to help surgery patients

Shared by Ana Duarte on 2015-08-31 17:01

About the solution

That's when, in 2012, this inventor came up with a new solution for managing the medical drains, which are typically attached to hospital gowns or clothing with safety pins. Instead, Dolphin used a small apron, tied around her waist, to carry the tubes and drain.
And this is how the Kili Medical Drain Carrier was created. It's a safe and comfortable lightweight mesh apron that can be tied around the waist or around the shoulder.
It can really facilitate patient's lives: "The way that I developed this is that a patient can go and shower and let it dry in just a few minutes," Dolphin said. "They don't even need to take it off the entire time they're recovering from the surgery."


More info: http://www.medicaldraincarrier.com/

Adapted from: http://bit.ly/2gJapS2

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com

About the author

Cinde Dolhpin, from USA, has beat cancer four times in the last 20 years. Three of those times were breast cancer, which means Dolphin had a lot of surgeries.
But the surgeries that saved Dolphin's life came with an unfortunate side effect: painful medical drains - tubes that are inserted under the skin and remove fluid from the surgical wounds during recover.

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