Patient Innovation was featured at the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera about user innovations created to fight this pandemic.
Pedro Oliveira and Helena Canhão, Project Leaders at Patient innovation, co-wrote several articles sharing their views on the current state of events during this pandemic:
“Inovação viral para combater o virus” – Eco Magazine, April 11 2020 (article in Portuguese available here)
"Cancelem Tudo", Eco Magazine, March 12 2020 (article in Portuguese available here)
Helena Canhão was invited as an expert speaker by the local TV news, SIC Notícias, to speak about Covid-19 and the situation in Portugal. National newspaper Público also requested her expertise to speak on the subject of chronic patient care.
Pedro Oliveira gave an interview to Dinheiro Vivo, discussing how the current pandemic is driving innovation all around the world, and the work Patient Innovation is doing to showcase the solutions being created to fight Covid-19: “Soluções criadas por cidadãos comuns estão a ajudar na resposta à pandemia” – Dinheiro Vivo, April 27 2020 (article in Portuguese available here).
Pedro Oliveira participated in several Webinars: a session about healthcare innovation promoted by Abreu Advogados (complete video available here); two webinars promoted by NOVA SBE entitled "When Innovation Goes Viral" (video available here) and "The Awakening of Social Innovation?" (video in portuguese available here); and in a session promoted by Fundação Getúlio Vargas about the interaction between citizens and the healthcare system during the pandemic (video in portuguese available here.
Maria João Jacinto presented the work developed by Patient Innovation at a session promoted by Fundação Eugénio de Almeida (watch it here, in portuguese).