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Parents find a team to design a bicycle for their impaired kid

sara.di.fabio@p... 于 2020-02-26 10:40 分享

About the solution

Although Lorenzo suffers from a complex neurological disease that affects his ability to perform daily tasks, he is a very active kid. When he asked for a bicycle, Lorenzo's parents started the research but the options in the market were too expensive. After consulting Lorenzo’s physiotherapist, a team of collaborators from the Together to Go Foundation and the fablab Opendot, designed an affordable bicycle for Lorenzo.

Lorenzo and his parents met TOG’s physiotherapists and Opendot’s designers to define the bicycle idea based on Lorenzo’s needs and expectations. The collaborative team developed a three-wheel bicycle with an ergonomic seat, spine support, and an adjustable handle. Some components were adapted from standard elements and others were developed specifically for the bicycle.

3D printing allowed to develop an affordable bicycle that was tailored to Lorenzo’s needs. The design and production modality allows adapting the model to kids with other disabilities.

Lorenzo received the final model on his birthday. “It is very beautiful that I can move by myself, without anyone’s help,” Lorenzo said.

Adapted from: http://togethertogo.org/storie/la-bicicletta-di-lorenzo/


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Lorenzo and his parents collaborated with Together To Go (TOG) Foundation and Opendot to develop a tailored bicycle meeting Lorenzo’s needs. TOG Foundation is a non-profit organisation that offers free rehabilitation therapies to children with nervous system impairments. Opendot is a fablab that provides 3D printers and coaching sessions to innovations and project designers.

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