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About the solution
eSight works for low vision patients, with visual impairements, by restoring their vision and allowing them to perform all sorts of daily tasks.
“It is a wearable device, hands-free headset with a small, high-speed camera that captures everything the eSight user is looking at. The captured live video stream is instantly sent to a powerful computer that uses proprietary software to process each pixel of video captured by the camera.
The enhanced video is sent back to the headset and displayed on two, powerful Organic-LED screens in front of the user’s eyes. Typically, these full color video images can be clearly seen by the eSight user with unprecedented visual clarity – in essence breaking through most underlying eye conditions that cause their visual impairment.
All of this happens in real-time, with no discernible lag time for the eSight user. This is a crucial capability that lets the eSight user instantly switch from near vision (reading a document) – to midrange vision (looking up to see who just stepped into the room) – to long range vision (looking out the window to see if it is raining).
eSight users can easily adjust color, contrast, brightness and magnification (up to 14X) settings, and even take and store pictures”, it says on the official website.
eSighit is categorized as a Class One device by the FDA and Health Canada, and costs $15,000.
Adapted from: http://www.esighteyewear.com/about-us
This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.
DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com
Cane helps blind people recognize faces
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
WALKING WITH A WALKING AID: Walking with a walking aid
Urban exploration
Social interaction
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Walking Aid (wheelchair/walker/crutches)
Vision problems
Sensitivity to light or sound
Restoring mobility
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
Maintaining Balance and Mobility
Improving Speech and Communication
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
United Kingdom
Der sprechende Stock für Sehbehinderte
WALKING WITH A WALKING AID: Walking with a walking aid
Urban exploration
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
5 Senses support devices: (glasses, hearing aids, headphones...)
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
AI algorithm
Vision problems
Restoring mobility
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
Solutions for Disabled people
Russian Federation
Collaborator James Leckey makes equipment to improve the quality of life and social inclusion of children with special needs
MOVING IN A WHEELCHAIR: Moving using a wheelchair.
BODY BALANCE: Maintaining body balance
STANDING UP: Standing up from a seated position
Neuromuscular Disorders
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Walking Aid (wheelchair/walker/crutches)
Assistive Technology access
5 Senses support devices: (glasses, hearing aids, headphones...)
Restoring mobility
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
Maintaining Balance and Mobility
Raise awareness
General and Family Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
United States