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SuperBetter - додаток для боротьби з депресією / Woman with anxiety develops app to help others

JoanaSaraiva 于 2019-10-09 11:22 分享

About the solution

Влітку 2009 року Джейн отримала струс мозку. Одним із симптомів була тривога.
Оскільки Джейн була дизайнером ігор і знала, як ігри можуть допомогти нам протистояти труднощам, вона вирішила подолати свою тривогу, створивши «Jane the Concussion Slayer», назву якої вона пізніше змінила на «SuperBetter».

SuperBetter є райдужною. Коли користувач відкриває програму, вибирає основну проблему, над якою потрібно попрацювати, наприклад, тривожність.
Мета гри — прискорити одужання, уникаючи «поганих хлопців», які викликали такі симптоми, як яскраве світло або чорно-біле мислення. Водночас це заохочує брати участь у «силах», таких як прогулянка або глибоке дихання. Досягнуті «бонуси» дають користувачу бали. У грі є також «квести», які є щоденними кроками, що користувач робить, «майбутні підвищення», на що користувач чекає з нетерпінням. Додаток також продовжує надавати користувачам заохочення, наприклад повідомлення: «Продовжуйте і виграєте!».
In the summer of 2009, Jane suffered a concussion. One of the symptoms that perdured from the accident was anxiety.

After joining a club with 40 million members, she realised how common her problem was. Since she was a game designer and knew how games can help us face challenges, she decided to face her anxiety by creating ‘Jane the Concussion Slayer’, which name she later changed to ‘SuperBetter’.

SuperBetter has a rainbow colour scheme. When the user opens the app, he or she selects the main challenge they would like to work on, for example, anxiety. The goal of the game is to accelerate recovery by avoiding ‘bad guys’ that triggered symptoms, such as bright lights or black-and-white thinking. At the same time, it gives encouragement to engage in ‘power-ups’ such as a walk around the block or deep breathing. The ‘power-ups’ achieved reward the user with points. There are also ‘quests’, which are daily steps the user makes, and ‘future boosts’, things the user is looking forward to. The app also keeps giving the user incentives such as messages saying, ‘Keep going – you can finish it!’.

SuperBetter uses the ‘Live Gamefully’ method, a framework that brings the psychological strengths and mindset of gameplay to real life.

She says this was very successful in helping her deal with emotional pain and anxiety. So, she decided to share it with others. The app is validated by randomized controlled and clinical trials to improve mental health.

The app was launched in 2012 and has, since then, helped a million users improve their psychological symptoms.

It is available on the App Store and Google Play for free, and the game can also be accessed on the official website.

Adapted from: http://bit.ly/2VpBxXn
More info: https://apple.co/2OucbGh


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Jane McGonigal, born in 1977, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States, created SuperBetter, a game that helps people who, like her, suffer from anxiety and other psychological problems.

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