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A skateborad wheelchair , a defying solution to regain old habbits.

Shared by Carolina Piedade on 2021-09-29 13:39

About the solution

A sophomore in college, Erik Kondo played multiple sports, was a member of the hiking club and was majoring in physics and maths. He was loving life – until a motorcycle accident at 30 years ago made him lose his ability to walk, and become confined to a wheelchair. Even though spinal cord injuries rehabilitation usually took about six months, in five weeks he was out, back with his life and friends, barely stopping for a second to dwell on the accident that had just changed his life. Nevertheless, he missed one aspect of his old life more than others, riding a skateboard. Unfortunately the only balance based activities he could think of were skiing and cycling, and It wasn’t until about he saw another person in a wheelchair on a regular longboard that he felt inspired.
So he began experimenting. He added a motor to the board, because without one, he was pretty limited, and from there it just kept growing. And as the final version of his innovation he came up with an adaptable hoverboard, which allowed going sideways which created a completely different feeling of mobility.
Eric doesn't make or sell this product as he encourages people to check out his Facebook page ‘Wheelchair Boarding’ and his website https://www.redpillinnovations.com, where he uploads videos and photos of things he’s working on. The beauty of these boards is there’s no real complex technology involved, allowing everyone at every spot on the globe to assemble his innovation.

Adapted from https://adaptdefy.com/erik-kondo-podcast and https://adaptdefy.com/erik-kondo-story
Learn more about this invetion, and many others at https://www.redpillinnovations.com

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

Erik Condo is a C4/C5 spinal cord injury survivor, who didn't let his injury stop him from doing what he loved, and in this case was skateboarding!

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