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About the solution
The clothing is consciously designed without tags, seams, zippers, laces and buttons in breathable performance wear fabrics. It is also double-sided and equally meted at the crotch, seat and/or neckline, eliminating the opportunity for these kids to put anything on backwards or inside out. Most thought provoking, however, is the hidden compartment sewn into the clothing, which allows for optional GPS tracking and other monitoring devices.
It all started when Liam, Lauren's son, came out of the men’s room at a Mets game with his jeans down around his thighs. He was 12. "I was mortified. I just said, that’s it, there has to be a better way.", she explained.
The very first test where it was worn was on Liam.
"For kids that have more verbal skills than my son, I think it’s got to instill a sense of dignity in them. Liam got dressed that morning in those clothes and did not have one single temper tantrum. I think a lot of the time these kids have temper tantrums because they can’t verbalize why they are frustrated. He didn’t have a single one. Their dignity is at stake here", Lauren said.
More info: http://www.independencedayclothing.com/
Adapted from: http://bit.ly/1Ip67mE
This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.
DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com
Teeny Weeny VR- a new way of terapy for autistic children.
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
AI algorithm
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Social withdrawal or isolation
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Building Supportive Community Relationships
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
Improving Speech and Communication
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
General and Family Medicine
United Kingdom
Mother Eileen Lamb implemented a series of voice assistant-driven strategies to support her raising her two autistic children.
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
Social interaction
(SELF)-CARE: GROOMING: Personal grooming, such as combing hair or shaving
AI algorithm
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
Improving Speech and Communication
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Caregiving Support
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
General and Family Medicine
United States
Susana and Joe, parents of Caui, created the platform "Vencer o Autismo" in order to reduce the negative stigma associated with autism.
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
Social interaction
Social Media
Enhancing health literacy
Promoting self-management
Managing Neurological Disorders
Building Supportive Community Relationships
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
General and Family Medicine
Medical Oncology