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- Help Ukraine
About the solution
Фонд “Інститут Польща-Україна” засновано у 2019 році. Головними завданнями є інформувати українців, що мешкають у Кракові, та сприяти їхній подальшій інтеграції, адаптації та розвитку у новому середовищі.
Організація має досвід реалізації проєктів, фінансованих європейськими та польськими фондами.
З початком повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну засновники порталу почали активно допомагати постраждалим, що шукають притулку в місті а також надсилати гуманітарну допомогу до України. Фонд “Інститут Польща-Україна” є членом Коаліції “Відкритий Краків”.
Щоб використати цю можливість переходьте на сайт: https://uainkrakow.pl/
DISCLAIMER: the solution has not been previously validated and the risk incurred by using is at the user's discretion
*Допоможіть нам стати краще, заповніть форму з відгуком: https://forms.gle/56VwWiWvdNE1wW9F9
The Poland-Ukraine Institute Foundation was founded in 2019. The main tasks are to inform Ukrainians living in Krakow and to participate in their further integration, adaptation and development in the new environment.
The organization has experience in implementing projects funded by European and Polish funds.
Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the portal's founders have begun to actively support victims seeking asylum in the city, as well as other humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. The Poland-Ukraine Institute Foundation is a member of the Open Krakow Coalition.
To use the power of this portal, please come to the website: https://uainkrakow.pl/
DISCLAIMER: the solution has not been previously validated and the risk incurred by using is at the user's discretion
DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com
ForLikeMinds - онлайн-спільнота для підтримки підлітків, що мають психічні розлади / ForLikeMinds - online peer support community dedicated to mental illness
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
Social interaction
Depressive Disorders (Major Depression, Childhood Depression, Postpartum Depression)
Schizoaffective Disorder
Bipolar Disorder
Psychotic Disorder
Acute Psychosis
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Social withdrawal or isolation
Depressed Mood
Irritability or anger outbursts
Restlessness or feeling slowed down
Loss of interest or pleasure in activities (anhedonia)
Panic attacks
Difficulty controlling impulses
Feelings of guilt or worthlessness
Suicidal thoughts or behaviors
Hallucinations (perceiving things that aren't there)
Delusions (fixed false beliefs)
Changes in appetite or weight
Sleep disturbances
Promoting self-management
Building Supportive Community Relationships
Enhancing Mental Health
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
United States
AnxietyHelper - додаток для боротьби з тривогою та депресією / Teen develops app for anxiety and depression
COMMUNICATION: Communicating, whether by speaking, listening, or other means
Depressive Disorders (Major Depression, Childhood Depression, Postpartum Depression)
App (Including when connected with wearable)
Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
Social withdrawal or isolation
Depressed Mood
Irritability or anger outbursts
Restlessness or feeling slowed down
Panic attacks
Suicidal thoughts or behaviors
Sleep disturbances
Enhancing Mental Health
To improve Treatment/Therapy
United States
SuperBetter - додаток для боротьби з депресією / Woman with anxiety develops app to help others