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EU4UA platform - робота та прихисток / job and shelter

Maryna Zaporozhets 于 2022-07-24 20:20 分享

About the solution

Мета платформи EU4UA – поєднати дві категорії людей, які шукають роботу, і тих, хто може її запропонувати.
AI на платформі допоможе вам знайти те, що потрібно.
Є також можливість допомогти через пожертвування, тож якщо ви можете це зробити – заходьте на сайт.
Щоб дізнатися більше, перейдіть за посиланням: https://ua.eu4ua.org/
ВІДМОВА ВІД ВІДПОВІДАЛЬНОСТІ: рішення не було перевірено раніше, і ризик, пов’язаний з використанням, залишається на розсуд користувача

*Допоможіть нам стати краще, заповніть форму з відгуком: https://forms.gle/56VwWiWvdNE1wW9F9

The goal of the platform EU4UA is to simply match two populations who are looking for a job and for those who can offer it.
The AI on the platform will help you find what you need.
There are also a possibility to help via donation, so is you are able to do this - this is a platform for you.
To learn more, please go to the website: https://ua.eu4ua.org/
DISCLAIMER: the solution has not been previously validated and the risk incurred by using is at the user's discretion


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


EU4UA was born at 10pm GMT on Feb 25, 2022. As her creators stated, "Our goal is not to replace NGOs who do an incredible job at welcoming and providing support to refugees. We have no experience doing what they do. But we are good at building tech solutions and scaling them, which is a complementary skill. We have always been convinced that technology can impact the world in a positive way by connecting people at scale. It’s time to make this a reality ! Our tool is here to simply match two populations who could not meet without a simple and efficient platform.


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