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Man invents device that allows user to control mouse with eyes and mouth

Ana Duarte 于 2018-04-09 10:48 分享

About the solution

The GlassOuse is a wearable that looks like glasses and connects to electronics via Bluetooth. It responds to head movements to manipulate the cursor around the screen. It also has a mouth piece that curves in front of the face and works as a button. Users bite or click the button to select items on the screen.

“The accident has created tons of difficulties in Caner’s life, for example, using a smartphone. For us, using a smartphone or tablet may be a piece of cake, but for Caner, he needs someone else’s help just to use a digital device. The most common things that we do every day, like dialing, texting, emailing, or chatting online, are all big challenges for Caner and millions of people like him. Modern technology helps us all yet turns away disabled people—statistics show that there are 30 million people who cannot enjoy smart devices because of their disabilities. And that is why I created GlassOuse, which helps Caner and other people like him, to use a smartphone by themselves, just like we do every day”, Mehmet explained.

The inventor launched a successful crowndfunding campaign to help him develop this equipment. This campaign helped him to GlassOuse in the market and create his own company - EnnoPro Innovation Professionals – in 2016.

More info: http://glassouse.com

Adapted from: https://bit.ly/1T54TA0


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Mehmet Nemo, born in Turkey, lives in China and is an electrical engineer who developed GlassOuse, a wearable that helps disabled people engage with electronics without having to use their hands. Mehmet created this device in 2015 because he wanted to help his friend, Caner Cem Marti, who had a serious spine surgery and can’t move his arms and legs.

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