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The Tube-Evac device offers a quick, easy and safe way for a doctors, nurses, caregivers and patients to milk surgical tubing

Shared by Vance Shaffer on 2017-07-22 03:25

About the solution

The purpose of this invention is to squeeze the tubing coming out of the body, clearing it of clots and debris so continuous and uninterrupted fluid drainage can be maintained. Drains coming from the body need to be cleared on a regular basis. The current method used by nurses is to simply squeeze the surgical tube between your fingers, use a pen, or use alcohol wipes and pull on the tubing. Nurses have been doing this for years and know how to do it quite well. However, the patient has almost never done this before in his/her life and it is very intimidating. If you talk to a patient who has had surgery and drains they will always say the same thing. The worst thing about the surgery was those drains and having to constantly strip them. In a recent survey 78% say the drains are the worst part of the surgery.

The Tube-Evac device is not just a device for clearing surgical drains. It is much more than that. It can change the way a nursing floor functions, the floor manager will be happier because their nurses can be more productive, the surgeons will not worry about their patients drains, the patients have much more confidence in taking care of their own drains, nurses no longer have to milk patients drains if they teach the patient or caregiver how to do it with the Tube-Evac device.

More information: https://tubeevac.com/te/


This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

About the author

In 1998 my wife Linda was diagnosed with Stage III breast cancer. She opted for a bi-lateral mastectomy with implants and, following surgery, was sent home with surgical drains. I was not prepared and felt that I was doing a terrible job of cleaning the drains, overstretching them by squeezing as hard as I could. In 2008, her implants had to be removed and again she was sent home with drains. And again, I felt that I was doing a terrible job and knew that there must be a better way. Starting with water pump pliers and some metal rollers, I began the process of creating the Tube-Evac.

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