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Launching global awareness day

Shared by Timo Söderlund on 2015-10-12 06:16

About the solution

Acute aortic dissection is the most common life-threatening disorder affecting the aorta. The month of September is Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection Awareness Month (TAADAM) since the year of 2005. A month when survivors and friends and family to them who lives with, or passed from aortic dissection, spreads awareness in different ways. In Europe the first patient driven initiative was founded by seventeen survivors in 2014. Aortadissektion Föreningen Skandinavien, ADFS, is a public nonprofit patient organization, owned equally by all members, with acitivity in northern Europe in Scandinavia (Denmark, Norway and Sweden). This organization is part of the rare disease organizations in Sweden, and Europe (Eurordis), and partly also functions as a patient advocacy beside providing support and spreading awareness. It was founded by seventeen patients the 19:th Sept 2014. In the autumn of 2015, a global initiative has started to try to coordinate one day during the awareness month of September for a global awareness day for the rare disease aortic dissection. There is a facebook event to help people keep track on the "Aortic Dissection Awareness Day" September 19, 2016.

In just a few days it has attracted survivors living with aortic dissection from sixteen (16) countries from around the globe. Covering New Zealand, Australia, Mauritius, Cyprus, Italy, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, UK, USA, Switzerland, Germany, China, Finland, France to Canada.


Join us. Help save lives and help share awareness on a rare and deadly disease. And please ask your organization to join hands with the ones who already got active.

Please help us grow a global movement to join people from all over the world.

Participating countries where people has signed up for the awareness day

#1: Sweden, Europe
#2: Cyprus, Europe
#3: USA, North America
#4: England, Europe
#5: Canada, North America
#6: Denmark, Europe
#7: Australia, Oceania
#8: Italy, Europe
#9: New Zealand, Oceania
#10: Belgium, Europe
#11: Mauritius, Africa
#12: Germany, Europe
#13: Switzerland, Europe
#14: Japan, Asia
#15: Finland, Europe
#16: France, Europe

If we can get our firends to get organized nationally over the globe, we can start to work more structured together with scientists, researchers and medical companies to find better solutions to prevent our illness, and to help the ones already ill.

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

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