
Rita Duarte Silva


Throw up

Throw up - My daughter developed an eating disorder and used to throw up all the time, 3 times a day, during feeding. It was exhausting and despairing. She wasn’t gaining any weight. Once, in despair, when she started to push it, she did it on purpose, I started to water her with her bottle. She just stopped. From that day on, when I saw it coming I just gently spilled water in her face with her bottle. It worked she started to gain weight and we were able to avoid a second nasogastric tube or worst, a button on her stomach.

Learn to walk

Learn to walk - My daughter is visual impaired, legally blind with 5% vision in a single eye. Learn to walk was something more difficult for her than for most kids. She seemed scared. Instead of holding her hand all the time, making her unbalanced we thought of a child harness. The "leash" gave her something to hold, she used to grab it, gave her support and helped her stand right. She felt more confident. As she couldn’t see very well it was difficult for her to just release our hand and walk away. After 2 months she was walking and today she runs with confidence.

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