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Helmet with multifunction tip

Ana Cláudia Couto 于 2015-10-07 14:28 分享

About the solution

It was due to my physical disabilities that me and my father (Fernando, 50), created this support to make my life easier. The idea came up when I went to school, when I was six/seven years old. Because I couldn't write with my hands, my doctors and teachers gave me a helmet, but unfortunately was never able to adapt myself to it, because it was too heavy, and had a lot of things in front of my eyes (tubes, screws...) and it was hard to put on. I still typed on the computer for a year, until one day, my father got a helmet from construction and adapted it. That is the helmet I still use today.

It is suitable for people with severe lesions, such as: quadriplegics, brain paralysis or deficiencies which cause involuntary limb movement.

This adaptation helps with the following tasks: using a computer, paint, draw, make fairy air, among many things.

This helmet with ferrule was made from the following materials: helmet kernel works, aluminum tube, a small plastic tube on the tip, hot glue, wire and soft material lining the helmet (foam and napa). And compared to the helmets sold in specific stores, this is super-light and very cheap!



My name is Ana Cláudia, I'm 25 years old and I was born with Cerebral Palsy... I always went to normal schools. I got my degree in Management and Human Resources in June 2015. I have several goals, despite of my hard life, so I can do my daily activities.

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