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Runway of Dreams - a clothing line created by a mom for children that are differently-abled

MJJacinto 于 2022-12-27 11:17 分享

About the solution

There are many things in life that we may often take for granted. Especially the things we do in our day-to-day lives that we don’t even think twice about. One of those seemingly simplistic things is getting dressed in the morning. For most of the population, this is something that is done with ease.
However, Mindy Scheier, mom of eight year-old Oliver, noticed her son was struggling with this task. This caused her to inspire change.
Mindy founded Runway of Dreams, a clothing line created for children that are differently-abled. Due to certain disabilities or special needs, the children that this line was developed for sometimes struggle to button or zipper clothing items. Runway of Dreams is a nonprofit organization.

The line has collaborated with Tommy Hilfiger in an effort to create fashionable options for everyone. Their vision is to “change the landscape of fashion to be inclusive for all.” With research, they seek out the voices of the differently-abled community to learn ways of overcoming clothing challenges involving function and fashion. With focus groups and surveys, modifications in mainstream fashion have been made to include wearable technology such as Patented MagnaReady® magnets. Finally, by working with other brands, the company is able to produce clothes for those requiring different options.

Adapted from: https://www.runwayofdreams.org/, https://theamericangenius.com/entrepreneur/mom-creates-fashion-exclusive...


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Mindy was inspired to start Runway of Dreams after her son Oliver, who has Muscular Dystrophy, dreamed of wearing jeans like everyone else. After using her design skills to adapt a pair that met his needs and increased his confidence, she went on to conduct extensive research to develop modifications that would meet the needs of the largest minority in our world- people with disabilities. Following its launch, Runway of Dreams partnered with Tommy Hilfiger on the first mainstream adaptive clothing line for kids and continues to work with many mainstream brands such as Kohl’s, Target, JCPenny.

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