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About the solution
Adriana Mallozzi was born with cerebral palsy and was first introduced to a power wheelchair, covered with unique technologies, at age 9, leading her to embrace technology at a very young age rendering her increasingly independent. By using pressurized air, she could open the door to her apartment by simply blowing on a tube connected to the remote control, move her chair by controlling a joystick with her mouth and so much more. The day-to-day struggles also pushed Adriana to become as inventive as possible, due to the need to perform her routines and tasks as independently as possible. This also lead her to understand the luck she had to be able to have the time, money, and the right people around her, with some of her friends and acquaintances not having such technology available to them.
This reality shock motivated her to find a solution to address the needs of diverse users, which need sophistication in the sip and puff solutions of their wheelchairs, by integrating artificial intelligence into their system and adapting it to an individual’s needs, all while being at an affordable cost. To achieve this goal, Adriana created Puffin Innovations!
At the center of this is the Puff/sip functionality, where the Puff is used as the left click and the sip as a right click. This is where Puffin Innovations aims to achieve an option to customize this functionality. while taking into consideration that the user might have more or less sensitivity due to alternating lung capacity.
For their first inventions, Puffin created a Bluetooth-connected device -with the help of MIT students and sponsors’ equipment donations- fit for android phones, that people with disabilities can control with their mouth, allowing them greater access to computers and mobile phones. But this is only the beginning!
Learn more about this solution here https://puffininno.com/
This was adapted from https://medium.com/@PerryGrossman/puffin-sip-interview-with-adriana-mall... and https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2018/10/08/how-innovation-can-break...
The images were taken from https://www.bostonglobe.com/business/2018/10/08/how-innovation-can-break... and https://medium.com/@PerryGrossman/puffin-sip-interview-with-adriana-mall... as we do not own any of them.
This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.
DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com
Father creates exoskeleton to help son with genetic neurological condition walk
BODY BALANCE: Maintaining body balance
STANDING UP: Standing up from a seated position
WALKING WITH A WALKING AID: Walking with a walking aid
Cervical spinal cord injury/Tetraplegia
Assistive Technology access
Walking Aid (wheelchair/walker/crutches)
Restoring mobility
Managing pain
Promoting self-management
Preserving Organ Function
Managing Neurological Disorders
Recovering from Traumatic Injuries
Maintaining Balance and Mobility
Restoring Blood Circulation
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
General and Family Medicine
Intensive Care Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Sports Medicine
Teacher Alex Truesdell is Transforming Lives: Adaptive Design Association Revolutionizes Disability Solutions
BODY BALANCE: Maintaining body balance
(SELF)-CARE: DRINKING: Drinking independently.
(SELF)-CARE: EATING: Eating independently.
MOVING IN A WHEELCHAIR: Moving using a wheelchair.
Playing an instrument
Hand Deformity
Neuromuscular Disorders
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Walking Aid (wheelchair/walker/crutches)
Restoring mobility
Replacing lost limbs
Enhancing health literacy
Promoting self-management
Promoting inclusivity and social integration
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
General and Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
United States
Collaborator Pierluigi Mantovani creates Evolution Devices - solutions that aim to transform Multiple Sclerosis Management
BODY BALANCE: Maintaining body balance
STANDING UP: Standing up from a seated position
WALKING: Walking
Multiple Sclerosis
Assistive Daily Life Device (to help ADL)
Walking Aid (wheelchair/walker/crutches)
App (Including when connected with wearable)
AI algorithm
Body-Worn solutions (Clothing, accessories, shoes, sensors...)
Restoring mobility
Regaining sensory function
Managing pain
Promoting self-management
Preserving Organ Function
Managing Neurological Disorders
Maintaining Balance and Mobility
To improve Treatment/Therapy
Preventing (Vaccination, Protection, Falls, Research/Mapping)
Raise awareness
Caregiving Support
General and Family Medicine
Internal Medicine
Medical Genetics
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
United States