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Mother creates app to help manage food allergies

Ana Duarte 于 2019-08-22 09:31 分享

About the solution

Once Natalie was diagnosed, Susie spent hours researching what (if any) Girl Scout cookies were safe for her, etc. That’s when she realised that existing solutions are fragmented and over-generalised.

“I was pretty convinced my daughter needed this tool and it wasn’t out there. And if I didn’t do it, I wasn’t sure who would,” the mother said.

Spokin consists of a solution-based resource that provides a combination of content, community, and tools all with the common goal to make it easier, faster, and safer to manage food allergies. And it’s a personalised solution. For instance, if the user can’t have dairy, he/she can add it tho their profile.

It can also be further personalised by adding a location and interests. The app compiles a list of top-rated businesses and brands that cater to the selected restrictions.
“So you can go to the app and look up New York and see in one second all the places other people have recommended. Or check in Paris, or London, or Chicago – or anywhere”, Susie observed.

Susie created her own company, of which she is CEO.

The app is free and is available for iOS.

Adapted from: https://cbsloc.al/2NHAxgG

More info: https://www.spokin.com/


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Susie Hultquist, from the USA, has a daughter, Natalie, who has food allergies. Inspired by Natalie, she developed Spokin, a mobile app to help people with food allergies to manage their condition.

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