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Man develops software to help his grandmother recover her memory

Ana Duarte 于 2019-07-18 09:27 分享

About the solution

Frenalytics is a patented online software that works as a medical portal, therapy tool and analytics tracker specifically designed to help people with neurological deficits on their road to recovery. Thanks to data analysis, it provides the user with a personalised treatment. It can be used by families and/or facilities. The software also stores patients’ medical records and features online therapy sessions.

“I always thought I wanted to be a doctor. I was really serious about helping others, and then I discovered that my real passion lies in computers. I found myself in the health care technology space, not being a doctor, but being able to create software that helps people in a very similar way”, the developer observed.

Matt was driven to think of a solution of this kind after his grandmother suffered a stroke when he was in the 7th grade. The stroke left Matt’s grandmother paralysed, unable to speak and with cognitive limitations. At the time, a made a PowerPoint quiz to try to help her relearn things and exercise her memory. Part of this quiz had a family photo and asked the grandmother, one by one, “who is this person?”. Another part had photos of the kitchen, which helped her remind about eating and cooking. This proved to be very helpful in this lady’s recovery.

Frenalytics can help not only patients recovering from a stroke or a brain-impairing accident, but also people suffering from Alzheimer’s or dementia, or even experiencing post-traumatic stress.

“Her improvement was noticeable as she was able to communicate better with people. We saw a gradual return of parts of her personality, and I would say her quality of life definitely had improved overall”, said Giovanniello’s father, Tony, who is a medical doctor.

Matt’s goal was to create a software to help his grandmother only. But Chris Patterson, a family friend, who is now Matt’s business partner, saw its potential. And the two founded a company together around this solution.

Adapted from: https://bit.ly/2GiGKcY

More info: http://www.frenalytics.com/


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Matt Giovanniello, born in the USA, in 1996, launched a software, in 2014, Frenalytics, that works as a medical portal, therapy tool and analytics tracker designed for patients suffering from various types of brain trauma. He was driven to create this solution because his grandmother suffered a stroke, leaving her paralysed and unable to speak.

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