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Father creates custom cane for his daughter

Ana Duarte 于 2015-12-13 19:55 分享

About the solution

Celeste, born in 1961, had a stroke in 2010 that left her paralyzed on the left side. She uses a cane to walk distances but one day in the hospital she grabbed a handrail and took off.

“I thought, ‘Wow!’ And all of a sudden a light went off. I said, ‘She needs a moving handrail, a portable handrail that moves,” Teaby said. And that’s how “Celeste Power Cane” was born.

The doctors told Celeste she would never walk again. But she never accepted that. “I said, well, that’s not what I’m going to hear,” she said. About six months later Celeste was walking.

Teaby designed and built three versions of the power cane so far, all powered by a cordless drill. Celeste tested it out on a hill and said “It gave me a little momentum and a little strength to get up the hill.”

Her father customized the power cane with a basket for her books.

He said his ambition is to keep working on the fourth design. “It hasn’t been developed, just in CAD, and bring some of these to the Vancouver Stroke and Brain group and let them look at them and maybe try them.”

“Everyone is asking, ‘Do you have a patent?’ And I say no, I didn’t do this for the money. I did this for her.”

Adapted from: http://bit.ly/1Ra9dPb

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DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


Gregg Teaby, from Canada, invented a special cane for his daughter Celeste, born in 1961, to help her walk after she suffered a stroke. Her cane has a basket to so she can carry her belongings.

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