
Salomé Azevedo


Man creates hands free camera support for wheelchair

His innovation consists of a camera mount and a strap that can be attached to the frame of a wheelchair, bike, or even around someone's wrist like a cuff.

For his particular purposes, she designed it for hooking to his wheelchair. It holds the camera on the frame of the wheelchair allowing it to be held steady. It is also perfect for taking action shots, attaching easily to a bike or just about anything with handle-bars or something which you can attach the straps around.

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Man creates a convertible roof for hot-rod wheelchair

Eric likes to spend a lot of time outside and particularly enjoys to take long rides in his wheelchair during the summer. The majority of wheelchairs are covered in black vinyl material and due to the summer sun it can get very hot and cause severe sun burns. So he decided to create a shade that can not only protect him from the sun but also from the rain. Furthermore, where he lives, he also gets some fairly strong winds so he wanted his wheelchair to look like a hot-rod that could also hold up those strong winds.

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