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Teen Creates Styrofoam Refrigerator for Great-Grandmother's Medications

LuísCorreia.03 于 2023-07-25 11:38 分享

About the solution

A 13-year-old named Víctor Hugo Santana created a portable Styrofoam refrigerator to store his great-grandmother's diabetes medications, which rely on insulin. He developed the project in the municipal school of Campo Grande and had the help of the science teacher to finish it.Using simple materials such as a Styrofoam, a computer fountain and other cooling mechanisms, Víctor built the refrigerator in the school's laboratory. His motivation for inventing this solution was to allow his great-grandmother to participate in outdoor activities without worrying about refrigerating the medicines. The idea came about so she could accompany her family on fishing, camping and other outings.Víctor is passionate about creating and inventing objects, and his father always encouraged him to explore this curiosity from an early age. The creation of the makeshift refrigerator moved the young man's grandmother, who thanked him for the affection shown to his great-grandmother.Now, the teenager has the desire to take his project to other families facing similar situations, helping them to store medicines safely and portable. His invention was highlighted at the IV Expocampo and is being tested and approved by his grandmother, who lives in the interior of São Paulo.

News with a short video: https://g1.globo.com/ms/mato-grosso-do-sul/noticia/2023/07/22/adolescent...

Adapted from: https://www.radionovafm.com.br/site2/noticias/adolescente-cria-geladeira...


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


A teenager creates a portable Styrofoam refrigerator to store her great-grandmother's diabetes medications, allowing her to participate in outdoor activities without worrying about refrigerating the meds.

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