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Motus- Daughter creates an app to help her dad with rehabilitation after the stroke

Carolina Piedade 于 2021-12-13 18:39 分享

About the solution

When one morning Emina's father had a severe stroke, she was devastated and didn't understand what were it's consequences. The doctors prognoses were not optimistic, and they said either he would pass away or stay forever in vegetative state. He spent the next five months in various hospitals and rehabilitation centers until the pandemic struck when he had to come home.

Emina and her family didn't understand complicated medical terminology and had a really tough time caring for her father since they couldn't understand what he wanted and then he would have an emotional outburst.

Emina started noticing the pattern of a most common needs of stroke survivors and their caregivers. That's when she gathered a team of medical experts and made an app for rehabilitation and socialization after the stroke – Motus.

The goal was to make an app that offers everything a stroke patient and a caretakers need, no mater the type of stroke or age. By using Motus app, Emina's dad made a fast track recovery, and can now walk and learning how to talk again.

Along with their app that is scheduled to release in 2022, they developed a platform Stroke survivor stories to raise awareness and destigmatize stroke.

Motus Health team is also organizing a crowdfunding campaign in February 2022, so stay tuned for that.
Check out their website https://motus.health/ and their social networks where they post their progress and updates on the app.



Emina founded Motus with the intent of bring the best care to every stroke patient in the world, and with the help of Kenan Nazdrajić and Admir Kulin, they are building a better and prosper future for all of those effected with this disease!

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