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Reflux patient develops pillow to sleep better

Shared by ArielSebastian on 2014-01-14 15:25

About the solution

These pillows, developed with memory foam, keep acid reflux disease sufferers in an ideal position during sleep.

Horacio, also an entrepreneur, launched his first product in 2003 – the Snore Pillow.

His pillows allow people who suffer from Acid Reflux Disease, Sleep Apnea, Snoring, Barret's Esophagus to reduce discomfort during sleeping.

All of the products are patented, and approved by FDA.

Adapted from: http://www.posthera.com/meet-the-team

This solution shall not include mention to the use of drugs, chemicals or biologicals (including food); invasive devices; offensive, commercial or inherently dangerous content. This solution was not medically validated. Proceed with caution! If you have any doubts, please consult with a health professional.

DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com

About the author

Horacio Rubio, from USA, is an acid reflux and Barrett's Esophagus disease patient responsible for the design of Comfort Lift Pillows, now Positional Therapy Pillow Company.

Comments (4)

  • Agripina Costa ... Sun, 02/09/2014 - 14:04

    Where can I find?

  • Ana DuarteAgripina Costa Carvalho Wed, 09/21/2016 - 12:15

    Hello Agrippina. You can order this product here - http://www.posthera.com.
    Thank you!

  • Isabel Salvado Sun, 02/16/2014 - 22:55

    This solution seems to be something we should try, just need to indicate where to sell and at what price!
    When I was first diagnosed we tried to put some wooden legs in bed to raise the head, was not apparent since continued with reflux and heartburn. I tried those pads for the back, triangular in shape, but also did not result, and was with back pain. When I married, we opted for a medical bed in separate mattress for my husband not always be sleeping in the same position and this has been the solution that so far has proved the most ideal, but fails when the light is a problem. With articulated bed until you feel relief during pregnancy. This system is expensive and the first breakdown not know if we will have opportunities to acquire other. Another solution I found for when missing the electric light is put on top of a large pads breastfeeding pillow those bent into a curve with up to support the head and the tips of the "u" down (like a inverted "u") but I adjust them in order to better support the column.
    Ideally even manage to get a laboring schedule that allowed me to dinner always 19h, because my doctor says I can just make the digestion time I go to bed after 22pm reducing reflux.
    Anyone else have other tips to share? Are welcome!

  • udsonacy Sat, 10/05/2019 - 07:55


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