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Teacher designs ear guards to relieve pain from wearing face masks

Ana Ribeiro 于 2020-04-08 12:21 分享

About the solution

Craig Wiles, Head of Design and Technology at Strathallan School, heard that healthcare workers were suffering from pain and blisters cause by wearing face masks for extended periods of time. “I knew there must be something we could do to help.”

So, he designed simple Ear Guards that can be made at home without any specialized equipments or materials. The ideia came after he saw similar designs meant for 3D-printing and he thought that “there must be a simpler and more accessible way to produce these for even those without a 3D printer“.

These ear guards can be produced with any sort of flexible plastic material and basic cutting equipment. The inventor suggests that even used milk cartons can be adapted for this purpose.

The template and instructions for assembly are available online at the school’s website.

Simple Instruction: https://www.strathallan.co.uk/uploads/store/mediaupload/810/file/Stratha...
Template for laser cutting: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/4twy9xy99swterv/AAAHvtj5dEW0L6ERKZ5QDE1la?dl=0

Adapted from: https://www.strathallan.co.uk/news/perthshire-teacher-designs-and-produc...




Craig Wiles, Head of Design and Technology at Strathallan School, UK, designed plastic Ear Guards to relieve healthcare professionals from the pain of wearing face masks for too long.

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