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Neighbour organises socially distance communal dance session to help keep the morale up

Shared by sara.di.fabio@p... on 2020-04-07 14:59

About the solution

As the coronavirus crisis continues, people in the UK are doing trying to help those in need and inject some joy into life.

In Cheshire, residents on a street are doing socially distanced communal dance sessions to exercise during lockdown.

Janet Woodcock, a fitness instructor came up with this idea after one of her neighbours said she was missing her exercise class. “It’s really simple stuff, but it’s about people moving, seeing one another and just having fun really,” she said.

“One woman told me it’s the highlight of her day. Some people are working from home, but a lot of retired people just tend to be reading and watching the news all day, and it can get really depressing. So it’s just nice to get people out in the fresh air,” Janet said.

“We’ve all promised a big street party when it’s over and I think everybody will feel like they know each other a bit better.”

Adapted from: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/01/making-a-song-and-dance-th...

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About the author

Janet Woodcock, born in 1966, from the UK, organised socially distance communal dance sessions to help her neighbours coping with the lockdown.

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