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Support Network created to help high risk demographics during Covid19 outbreak

Ana Ribeiro 于 2020-03-17 17:09 分享

About the solution

SOS Vizinho is a Portuguese project that has gathered more than 70 specialists in the effort to create a support network for risk groups currently in social isolation. The project was created after Henrique Paranhos shared this ideia on his social media networks and received an overwhelming wave of support from people wanting to be a part of the project. The objective is to help signal the groups/patients at risk in each region and create a distribution network through volunteers.

The motivation behind this project is the fact that Covid-19 is especially dangerous for the elderly and chronic patients, who were advised to stay home and avoid social contact as much as possible. But many of those people live alone and have no one to support them. So, SOS Vizinho aims to provide them with essential goods, preventing them from leaving their homes and being more exposed.

Volunteers of this service are tasked with buying groceries, medication or other first necessity items, following all the necessary safety precautions advised by local healthcare authorities and avoiding direct contact with the beneficiary.

This service is completely free of charge and volunteers or people in need of assistance can apply at the website: https://sosvizinho.pt/

Adapted from: https://sosvizinho.pt/



SOS Vizinho was created after Henrique Paranhos, form Portugal, shared on social media his ideia to create a support network for those people who were most susceptible to Covid-19 and were advised to stay home.

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