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Worlds of Fantasy

Daniel Carvalho 于 2017-03-10 22:22 分享

About the solution

Dungeons & Dragons is a role-playing game tabletop originally created by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and published in 1974. This game is for each player to create a character, having absolute freedom to choose your class, your race and its history source. Another player (the titled Dungeon Master) instead of a character aims to create a world and give it life, creating a series of events and events of various proportions for this purpose. The level of functioning, players, through their characters, explore the world created by the Dungeon Master, interacting with it and with its various inhabitants, shaping it with their decisions.

The target audience of this project boils down to people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (essentially Asperger) and other cases where problems arise at the level of social interaction (can also be applied to the monitoring of cases of anxiety, depression, schizoid personality disorders , etc.). With regard to patients with Asperger's, we are talking about people with a great difficulty in perceiving the world and people around them. This also makes it difficult for a response and appropriate interaction and may have a number of negative impacts on the life of the person concerned.

Usually we describe people with Autism Spectrum Disorder as people living in a world apart. This game allows you to explore this aspect. Creating a world together, we are able to achieve and better understand these patients. It should also be noted that through this game we are able to create a safe environment where patients can practice and hone their social skills for later applying them in the real world, something that is easily achieved through the dual component associated dialog the game ( dialogue both as players and as characters) and also the teamwork that is always a constant.


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


There is a weekly program of its name Critical Role where a group of actors and voice actors playing Dungeons & Dragons. During one of these episodes was reported by one of the members received a letter which included the use of this game to accompany autism. Having said that, I started to do research and to manage my sessions, one of which with a family member with Asperger and in which there were significant changes in behavior after the first session.

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