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Father creates comic book to help his daughter

Shared by Ana Duarte on 2016-09-21 09:20

About the solution

These comics feature a superhero who is also on a wheelchair, and whose powers come from her disability.

“The project began when Emily, my daughter, was three, and now she's nine. We searched and searched, and we just couldn't find anything in entertainment industry that related to her. So I decided to create it", he explained.

Dan quit his job to work as a full time artist, and hopes he can make a dent in the traditional way media show superheroes by making the disable community see that also them can be the heroes, and empower them.

“It’s something that’s showcasing disability as power and strength. Every kid, no matter what, has that ability”, the father said.

More info: http://bit.ly/28S8qGu

Adapted from: http://on.today.com/1Xrqzdt

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About the author

Dan White, born in 1971, in UK, has a daughter named Emily, who suffers from a combination of Spina Bifida and hydrocephalus, and she is a wheelchair user. In order to empower his daughter and help her embrace life with her condition, he created a comic called “The Department of Ability”.

Comments (3)

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  • Anna Marsh Thu, 08/29/2019 - 14:43

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