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Mother and son create plan for allergies

Ana Duarte 于 2016-03-28 19:46 分享

About the solution

B and his mother, Joyce Lee, M.D., who is a University of Michigan associate professor of pediatrics and communicable diseases, have to ensure that his teachers, babysitters, and other caregivers know how to manage an allergic reaction and administer an EpiPen injection at all times. Up until a few years ago, they’d been relying on the standard Food Allergy Action Plan provided by their pediatrician to pass on the instructions, a document that according to Joyce is “a design fail”.

So B and his mother decided to create a new way to help others undertstand how EpiPens work. Together, they made a YouTube video, in which B narrates simple EpiPen instructions scripted by Lee. The instructions are simple, and are illustrated by a slide show of sketches B drew with colored markers. And this is the method they have been using ever since.

“We're setting the stage to say to [patients]. 'You are the experts — please help us co-design health care solutions that will make a meaningful impact”, Joyce explained.

More info: http://www.doctorasdesigner.com/

Adapted from: http://bit.ly/2n4FgLT

What about you, do you have any solutions? Please share them with the Patient Innovation community!


DISCLAIMER: This story was written by someone who is not the author of the solution, therefore please be advised that, although it was written with the utmost respect for the innovation and the innovator, there can be some incorrect statements. If you find any errors please contact the patient Innovation team via info@patient-innovation.com


B (fictional name), from USA, is a young boy who has severe food allergies, and developed a video with the help of his mother, in 2012, showing an allergy action plan.

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